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    Oceanographic survey collected in the framework of the PESCADIZ, STOCA and INGRES3 projects. PESCADIZ is funded by the Instituto Español de Oceanograf¿a / DCRP and the main scientific objective is to produce an index and a direct estimate of the biomass of demersal target species in the Gulf of Cádiz together with the hydrographic caracterization at the time of the cruise. STOCA is a program conducting systematic hydrographic and plankton observations along three standard sections in the eastern Gulf of Cadiz. INGRES3 is a Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation funded project that maintains a mooring line at the Spartel sill in the Strait of Gibraltar

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    Get abundance indices of groundfish demersales species. Get the size structure of commercially exploited stocks. Collection of biological material. Prospecting deep zones. Get physical-chemical parameters of water in the study area.

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    To estimate stratified abundances indices by age of hake, megrims and monkfishes. To estimate stratified abundances indices of commercial fish species (N. norvergicus, P. blennoides, H. dactylopterus, G. cynoglossus and rays). To estimate recruitment indices and spatial trends of younger ages of hake, megrims and monkfishes. To describe the spatial distribution patterns of demersal and benthic species of Porcupine. To collect data for the determination of biological parameters for the demersal species selected by DCF (Data Collection Framework).

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    Spanish Porcupine bottom trawl survey aims to collect data on the distribution and relative abundance, and biological information of commercial fish in Porcupine bank area (ICES Division VIIb-k). The primary target species are hake, monkfish, white anglerfish and megrim, which abundance indices are estimated by age, with abundance indices also estimated for Nephrops, four-spot megrim and blue whiting. Data collection is also collected for several other demersal fish species and invertebrates.

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    Spanish Porcupine bottom trawl survey aims to collect data on the distribution and relative abundance, and biological information of commercial fish in Porcupine bank area (ICES Division VIIb-k). The primary target species are hake, monkfish, white anglerfish and megrim, which abundance indices are estimated by age, with abundance indices also estimated for Nephrops, four-spot megrim and blue whiting. Data collection is also collected for several other demersal fish species and invertebrates.

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    Evaluation of the main crustacean species of the shelf and slope of the Area Exclusive Economic System of the Republic of Mozambique, as well as those resources of its seabed

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    Evaluation of the main crustacean species of the shelf and slope of the Area Exclusive Economic System of the Republic of Mozambique, as well as those resources of its seabed

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    Estimation of the recruitment of the main small pelagic species in the Gulf of Cadiz by eco-integration.

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    Estimation of the recruitment of the main small pelagic species in the Gulf of Cadiz by eco-integration.

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    Multidisciplinary campaing for mooring instruments and adquiring samples and variables to: * Know the thermohaline, kinematic, dynamic and biological characteristics of the Gulf of Cadiz. * Study of carbon fluxes between the Atlantic and Mediterranean. * Linking climatology, hydrology and hydrodynamics and the early stages of development of the species associated with the platform, with a focus on species of fishing interest. * Provide data to feed global and regional numerical models. * Generate and distribute a database to know the evolution of marine climate and its resources.